What is microblading?

Microblading is a form of semi-permanent tattooing. A tiny handheld blade is used to create  individual, realistic hairlike strokes under the epidermal layer of the skin. With the precise placement of pigments to match the color and coarseness of your eyebrows, microblading results in more fuller and natural-looking eyebrows. 

Microblading requires at least two visits, an initial session and a touchup, to achieve the desired result. Some people with pigment resistant skin might need a third session to complete the process, but its VERY rare.

Is microblading permanent?

No, its Semi-permanent. Microblading lasts 12-24 months depending on the person's skin type, lifestyle, health, and other factors.

Is microblading safe?

Yes, if it is done by a trained professional who follows proper safety measures. At UzBrows we follow the strictest protocols for sanitation and sterilization. We use only sterile, single-use tools and our treatment room is thoroughly sanitized. We also urge clients  to follow our strict pre and post care  instructions to ensure proper healing and avoid infection. 

Can anyone undergo microblading?

If you have any of these contraindications, please consult your doctor before you get a microblading treatment.

·       Diabetes

·       Pregnancy or lactation

·       Blood thinners

·       Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that is easily triggered

·       Accutane use anytime in the last year

·       Herpes

·       Glaucoma

·       Autoimmune disease

·       Keloid scars

·       Heart conditions 

·       Recent strong chemical peel and/or botox treatments

·       Skin diseases such as psoriasis, shingles, or eczema on the treatment area

·       Cancer/chemotherapy treatment

·       Makeup, pigment, and/or topical anesthetic allergies

·       HIV/Hepatitis

·       Hemophilia

Does microblading work on all skin types?  


How do I choose the right style?

UzBrows offers 2 styles:

UzSoft (microblading only) is recommended for someone who has already good brows BUT they are sparse and need fill-ins.

UzCombo (microblading + shading) is the most recommended style. Combining hair strokes with shading the result will be a very realistic 3D look.

Do you take clients with previously microbladed or tattooed brows done by a different artist?

Unfortunately no.

Can microblading hide brow scars?


Is microblading painful?

Not really. Clients compare it to the sensation of plucking or waxing, while others report they feel nothing at all. We realize that everyone’s pain threshold is different, so we use numbing cream before and during the procedure to reduce any discomfort.

How long is the procedure?

The initial appointment is approx. 2h hours. Most of that time is for numbing the skin, drawing the shape, reviewing before and after pictures, discussing color options, and answering any questions you may have.

The touchup appointments 4-6 weeks after the initial appointment, and lasts for about one hour. It is essential that you attend the touchup session for the best outcome of your procedure. The touchup session is when we learn how your skin responded to the pigmentation from the first session, so we can make any necessary adjustments. 

How long is the healing process?

To heal properly and achieve the best result, it is imperative that you follow our detailed aftercare instructions. We provide the aftercare package.

Healing takes 10-14 days. Immediately after the procedure some clients may experience a slight swelling and redness. It usually disappears in a day. Here are some general guidelines for what to expect after your initial procedure.

Week 1:

Microbladed hair strokes will appear thick, and the color will appear twice as dark. DO NOT PANIC -- this is totally normal.

Week 2:

Your eyebrows will begin to scab over. Please do not scratch or pick at them, because that removes the implanted pigments. The microbladed hair strokes will begin to fade, becoming much lighter than before. DO NOT WORRY -- this is also normal. The color will come back.

Weeks 3-4:

The implanted pigments will start to resurface. At this point, you will see the results of the first session.

Weeks 4-6:  

At this point the touchup appointment will take place, in order to perfect the final result.

How do I book an appointment?

Appointments can be booked online ONLY at uzbrows.com.  We advise you to fully read our FAQ and Terms & Conditions prior to booking.

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